Easy Transit
Easy Transit optimizes the NCTS5 customs process, ensuring efficient and error-free handling
The new Easy Transit procedure, now integrated as a module in FAIR@Link, addresses the increased demands of the NCTS5 customs updates. This procedure streamlines and speeds up the initiation of the EU transit procedure NCTS5. Relevant Air Waybill numbers (AWBs) can be effortlessly imported via drag & drop from an Excel spreadsheet into FAIR@Link, minimizing manual input and reducing errors. FAIR@Link gathers essential data such as House Airwaybills (HAWBs) and HS-Codes from the uploaded AWBs and automatically initiates the transit procedure in the customs software, saving valuable time and significantly cutting down on administrative effort.
After the automatic data entry, only the details about the driver, truck, and seals need to be added in the customs software. Once this step is completed, the shipment is ready for further transport.
Simplifying the initiation of the NCTS procedure
The user only needs the AWB numbers of the shipments to be transported as a reference in an Excel list and drags these into the FAIR@Link system using the "Drag & Map" functionality.
FAIR@Link then collects all relevant information, especially the newly required individual shipments and HS codes, which are included in the system from FFM and FHL messages, among others.
Subsequently, a transit procedure is automatically initiated in the customs software, which the user can then complete with overarching data such as driver, seal number, and other details.